Tuesday 26 February 2013

Where do women go wrong?

Dear lovely ladies,

Yes, we are a lovely creation of the Lord. But the way go about living our lives, even God would wonder why he created us in such a way. I completely agree with the feminists, It is high time women be given their due, respect and equality. But I would like to wonder whether a few of us, (by all means, I am not stereotyping women) are really worth it.

Why do we give men a chance to stereotype us as a "woman", time and again?

"Is she bad at handling the steering wheel". Yea, what can you expect, she is a woman.

"Is she always this dramatic?". Yea, what can you expect , she is  a woman.

I recently came across some of these atrocious remarks and took offense very badly that I wanted to sue those people and add a few zeros to my bank balance. But life doesn't work that way. So I resolved to dig deeper and find out why women are branded this way by men. I went to a library, took a few hundred books on Understanding Men and Women, came home, locked myself in my room, wore my spectacles and switched on my reading lamp. I read on and on for 2 days and the answer was pretty obvious, and all this time I was completely oblivious about it.

It is extremely difficult to put in words the entire details of my research. So I'll highlight a few pointers that showed me the light, in that dark room.

Thesis Title : Where do women go wrong?

Observation #1.

Mobile Phone is an instrument that is used to send/receive calls/messages and missed calls. While it is normally used for the above mentioned purposes, some women like to use it as a doll. They buy fluffy pink pouches, add a key chain, cover the little available space on the ridges with smileys, angry birds (what logic, one pic smiling , one pic frowning, side by side?) and god knows what not. They use it for Fruit Ninja and sometimes Angry birds. Some mothers can't have enough of their children wailing at home, that they record it in their mobile phones and set it as their ringtone. On a survey that was conducted, 87 women participated. They were asked random questions about their mobile and they confessed to having given more priority to the colour of the phone rather than its features or even cost. One participant, who wishes to remain anonymous said that "I was gifted this phone for my birthday, all I wanted to do when I got the phone was to get it go to Dora Bag Mall and get it a new pouch". After questioning a few more participants, I had to make sure I was talking to them about a mobile phone and not a barbie doll.

Observation #2.

Perception differs, even for twins.People seemed to have taken the phrase"Let your hair down" seriously in the literal and figurative sense.Let us first deal with the literal sense. A lot of women seem to think that it is fashionable to roam around with the hair left untied. Yes, that would look lovely on many women, but the tricky part is finding out whether a woman is eligible enough to fall in that category. Specially, when the place is windy, women would think they of themselves as these yesteryear heroines. In reality one paavam fellow is praying to God asking him to get that oil smelling strands of hair from his face.

Coming to the figurative sense, a few women seem to think that it is wise to giggle in public, laugh in the most annoying way at something that might not even be remotely funny. Studies have also shown that a few women are not embarrassed to fuss over in public places like malls and theater just to get things done their way. Acting all girly has become a trend and in our survey we found out that most of the teenage girls are the ones who come under this category. A few of them change after a few year. A few simply refuse to change.

Ok. Beyond this, I cannot continue to describe my observations, as they are pretty much the same or similar to the pointers stated above. Moreover I am awaiting the reaction of those who read my research before publishing my entire work here and being rejected even before I wind up writing my thesis. If you are still interested in reading the remaining part of the thesis, please contact me at thewhimsicalblogger@gmail.com

So, my dear lovely women, to those of you who fall under the category of  "a few women" mentioned here, now you know what to do. And to those who do not fall under the category, tell the former about this and be a part of the change. The change where women wouldn't have be to stereotyped for such mundane activities.

Observation #3.

Sense of humor. Most women have a wonderful sense of humor and take things in the right spirit. A few of them are known to take offense for anything and everything under the Sun. 

So if you are a woman who is reading this, you know for sure you do not fall under the category of " a few women" mentioned here. So Enjoy being who you are. Till then enjoy reading and laughing and spreading the word.


  1. Ok, this reader is not a woman but still enjoyed your tongue in cheek research! Oh and I am glad that you ended the essay with your third observation. I don't even want to imagine the wrath that may have befallen you otherwise!
    Welcome to the blogosphere!


    1. Thanks for such a warm welcome :-) Hope you enjoy reading my blogs :-)

  2. That last observation was very shrewd. Else we would probably have had a lynching in Blogosphere :)

    Please avoid captcha - you can always moderate comments but it is annoying for s commenter to have to go through the nonsense of word verification.

    1. Ha ha. True that. I was advised to stay away from controversies. I realized I'd got into one, and hence the disclaimer :-)

      Thank you for the tip. I did not know about it. Will disable captcha.

  3. Welcome to blogosphere. First post of a new blog is so special. Congratulations girl! Enjoyed the digs :). I find hair left loose really bugging especially when all one does is ends up looking like a chudail from an old movie. Sense of humor -- now we want to see that more often, don't we?

    1. That is something we would definitely want, atleast to prove the world that we are capable of enjoying a good joke :-). Thank you :-)

  4. Gosh, how are you going to get away from the mob of feminists (if they happen to come across your blog)... the title of your thesis itself is obnoxious. But, I found this funny, it's true we do look at the aesthetic value first which explains why the colour (and all those dangling cellphone accessories) always comes first when we think of cellphones or cars. We like pretty things, as the saying goes: Girls are made of sugar and spice and all things nice. Boys are made of frogs and snails and puppy dog tails.

    1. Ha, so you fall under the category of women who have a wonderful sense of humour :-) Glad you liked it :-)

  5. thankfully i dnt fall under any cstegory but yes im a bad driver :) i hv seen a girl getting i phone 5 frm her dad n next day it was all pinky pinky,i myself wanted 2 strangle her .bt wat do we say,different strokes for different folks..:)
